Mission Focus ONE:
Being a Welcoming Eucharistic Community
Always an intrinsic part of our faith, welcoming and being inclusive is a major focus, especially as we gather for Eucharist. This impacts on the way we relate to one another and how we recognise and celebrate the presence of Christ among us.
Our challenge
Being a vibrant multicultural community means that a critical challenge for us is to be open and welcoming to those new to the Parish.
Our opportunities
- All parishioners participate fully and consciously in the celebration of the liturgy
- The celebrations of Eucharist are to be experiences of God present amongst us
- The music at our liturgies inspires prayer and worship of God
- New members are personally contacted and welcomed to our parish by parishioners and Parish staff
- Parishioners get to know one another by name
- Connecting with our young people, especially students
- Parishioners appreciate and encourage the multicultural diversity of the Parish Community
- Connecting to the wider Vincentian Family throughout the region/world
Current activities
- Have people at the doors who greet parishioners as they come to Mass
- Presentation of families for Baptism at Mass
- Tolerance and understanding of families with young children
- Morning Tea offered after Sunday morning Mass
- Commit ourselves to singing during Mass and build up our repertoire of music
- Continue with major social events for the Parish
Proposed activities
- Set up a Welcoming Group to speak to new families after Mass and make contact with new parishioners
- Get a greater number of people participating in various events or ministries
- Ask every parishioner to share in this welcome ministry at Mass
- Take some time to speak with and engage with our young Parishioners
- Welcome Events organised for new parishioners (twice a year)
- Consider offering supper after Saturday and Sunday evening Masses.
- Parish Information packs available for new parishioners, given by the Welcoming Group
- Provide formation for parishioners in the understanding of Liturgy and Theology
- Invite parishioners to participate in liturgical ministry
- Provide formation for our ministry groups
- Invite our various multicultural groups to participate in the Eucharist
- Include Vincentian news in our publications